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Want to help build the largest IoT network in the world? Want to provide coverage to IoT devices and earn IOT while you do?  Read on ….

What is IoT, HNT, and a Blockchain network?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection via the internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. The Helium network, also known as The People’s Network  is a new blockchain that sets up “hot spots” in your home or business to help the relay of digital information from one spot to another.

Hotspots provide miles of wireless network coverage for millions of devices across two wireless standards (LoRaWAN and cellular), and you get paid IoT tokens, which can be converted in HNT crypto currency, for as long as your connected to the network.

LoRaWAN Hotspots are incredibly energy efficient using only 5W of energy.

Merchants and other business’s use the network, as a lower cost way to send data, information instead of higher cost cell towers systems. The more it’s used, the more you get paid. 

It’s a great way to earn without any hardly any maintenance. Just set it up and it runs itself.

What is the benefit of The People's Network?

Helium’s blockchain-based design is able to offer an advantage over traditional network connectivity in four distinct ways:

  • It is much more secure than a centralized company,
  • The Hotspots spread across a region make it more scalable for global connection,
  • It runs at a fraction of the cost,
  • Users are rewarded for their involvement in the system.

How can I get started to earn IoT / HNT tokens ?

By becoming a partner with us, we provide a FREE Helium miner box (about the size of a TV cable box) for you to use, and all you pay for is the antenna selected and delivered with your miner, and instructions on how to setup your hot spot.

There are no monthly fees or charges.

After the initial setup, it runs by itself. 

An optional app is available by subscription to keep you informed on the Helium network and future program updates and growth.

For more info on how to get started by being an associate partner, and how to register for your FREE miner, click on the CONTACT US button and send us an email.