R.W. Squires and Associates, LLC was started by Rick Squires in 2013. After he had to retire from Ford at a young age of 51, he needed to find ways to generate an income, a pension alone wouldn’t do. After scratching around and “settling” on short term odd jobs, he realized a “real job” was difficult to find especially in the economy at the time and at his age pickins (and offers) were slim, not to mention the pay rates. He had to think out of the box.
He wanted to partner with other people and businesses to create something that would be relevant to the community, families or like minded individuals. Something that overall he could build and grow on his own time, at his own pace, and reap the benefits of his own efforts, and possibly help others do the same.
The key was to focus on products or services in growing and emerging markets that were upcoming in demand and growing instead of coat tailing a passing phase of products or services with a dwindling lifespan or no long-term potential. Something that had value and potential and something anyone could use.
Additionally, learn ways to protect yourself and your family from harm through firearm safety training and protection around your home or business. You need to be ready and trained to protect the ones you love and the life you built … .If you can’t, who will ?…. You must survive to thrive. We can help.
He found such partners and is looking to find other entrepreneurs like him to join in and help their families and build a future legacy.
Interested? Check out the areas where you as an individual, a homeowner, or a business owner can benefit in engaging in some or all of the featured products / services to improve your lifestyle, take the stress off your family budget, or improve your business’s bottom line.